Underground Bunkers Shelters, Fortified Eco, Hardened Homes

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FORTECO Fortified Eco - Sustainability + A Discussion Document Link Via Google Drive


Providing secure underground structures and fully integrated sustainable above ground fortified homes.

Forteco PDF - Google Drive Link

The Mission

Providing a comprehensive design and build service tailored to the needs of the present day.

The Build

Fortified Buildings that can withstand forces beyond a 2500 year event level.


To live in a completely sustainable and self sufficient environment.

1. Fortified "Hardened" Homes

A fortified home that is safe and secure against a variety of threats is an excellent way to protect your investment and your family.

2. Fortified And Hardened Homes

Fortified "Hardened" Homes

A fortified home that is safe and secure against a variety of threats is an excellent way to protect your investment and your family contact Hardened Structures for confidential pricing and scheduling information Contact Hardened Structures for confidential pricing and scheduling information.

At Hardened Structures our Fortified Homes are custom tailored to our clients particular requirements. We emphasize the family function and quality lifestyles as being the design drivers while all of our Fortified Homes bear an unmistakable architectural signature of safe and secure elegance.

Secure & Elegant Fortified Homes

At Hardened Structures our architects can design to your individual architectural style be it Contemporary, Traditional, Colonial, Mediterranean, Beach Front, Southwestern or any personal preference. We can also work with your own architect to achieve the level of protection and perfection necessary for your personal residence. Our security consultants are internationally recognized experts in the fields of building fortifications, personal security, advanced security systems and offensive/defensive components.

At Hardened Structures we employ a Multi-Hazard Engineering methodology that not only recognizes individual threats sequentially, but also address all hazards/threats as simultaneously occurring, so as to insure there is no "Achilles Heel" within our designs. The Protection Program for a Fortified Home is varied and is usually determined by the Client's Threat, Risk and Asset assessments.

The home can be protected against a wide range of threats including forced entry/assaults, climate change, chemical / biological / radiological / explosive (CBRE) agents, air-blast, ground shock, penetration, fragmentation and damage to the structure and equipment due to explosive loading. Along with the Client's particular living, function and storage requirements, the designs also incorporate active offensive and defensive components, and mechanical responses to reduce the effectiveness of any given threat while providing for individual/family long term living requirements.

Large Shelter Layout Beneath A Private Residence

For most of our clients, one of the most important aspects of designing their Fortified Home is that it not resemble a fortified home and that the outwardly appearance is of a well designed custom home. Only the owners will know the true capabilities and functions of the home which may include:

  • Vaults for firearms and ammunition
  • Vaults for precious metals, cash and other vaulables
  • Remote control Offensive and Defensive systems
  • Hidden compartments and sliding bookcases
  • Emergency escape ways
  • Alternative energy and sustainability syststem
  • Vehicle storage and fuel systems
  • Ballistic walls, windows and doors
  • Fire resistance
  • "Off Grid" electrical capabilities
  • Independent water and sewage
  • Advanced security systems, CCTV, sensors and alarms
  • Hidden passages and entrances
  • Underground bomb shelter and storage

Contact Hardened Structures for confidential pricing and scheduling information

Ballistic Level 5 Hardened Home

Features protection from: Bullets, Forced Entry, Hurricanes, Flooding, Tornadoes and Armed Assaults.

Fortified Homes are special, and so are the people who choose them. At Hardened Structures confidentiality is paramount. We serve as our Client's agent, representing their best efforts by professionally and stealthily implementing a design/build program to meet any Threat Event.

Fortified Homes can include protection mitigation for:

  • Natural disasters covering earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning and flooding.
  • Ballistic Levels for most weapons from .22 to .50 caliber
  • Forced Entry and Armed Assaults
  • Fire in the immediate surroundings
  • CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological nuclear) air filtration systems
  • EMP/HEMP shielding and mitigation