Hardened Structures is offering a proprietary light weight composite armor solution that allows you to protect sedans, coupes and other vehicles that can't support the weight of traditional armor.
Custom Armor Solutions
The Hardened Structures team offers a proprietary brand of opaque and transparent armor. The carefully engineered design and manufacturing processes combine to provide unparalleled stopping power at the lowest possible weight and cost. Designed from the inside-out, the armor solutions are crafted not only to stop the projectiles but also the dangerous effects of blast overpressure.
All of the products have been extensively tested at Department of Defense approved independent laboratories in a simulated real world environment. Not one but three 155mm IED's were used at one-third of the standard test distance on the same opaque and transparent panels with zero penetrations. The result of this test proved that these superior armor solutions are the best choice to protect you, your equipment, and your team in the field.
Capability Summary
Providing transparent and opaque armor solutions to military contractors and commerical clients, and now specializing in a wider variety of products including non-traditional composite armor, state of the art electronics, and security monitoring.
Opaque Armor:
- Formed ballistic steel.
- Formed ballistic steel and proprietary composite.
- Light weight proprietary composite.
- Traditional weight solutions up to B-7 @ 22lbs/sq.ft.
- Light weight proprietary solutions up to B-7 @ 10lbs/sq.ft.
Transparent Armor:
- Two year warranty against delamination (five year warranty available).
- Protection levels available from hurricane glass to multi-hit B-7.
Meets or exceeds the following requirements for both opaque and transparent armor:
- Ballistic protection against multiple hits of 20mm FSP and 12.7mm AP.
- Blast protection against 155mm IEDs.
- EFP and Blast Wave mitigation.
- Storm resistance.
- License Plate Reader capable of reading plates at 500ft @ 80mph.
Please contact Hardened Structures for additional information and learn more about your armored vehicle solutions.