PDF : The Design & Construction Of Private Bushfire Shelters In Australia

Performance Standard for Private Bushfire Shelters (2014)

ABCB Australian Building Codes Board

The purpose of this standard is to lower the risks of serious injury or fatality based on the availability of technical data and the input and judgement of a broad range of stakeholders.
It has been developed to ensure that a private bushfire shelter built in accordance with the Standard provides a measured degree of protection to people with nowhere else to go, such as occupants of dwellings in remote locations.
PDF file size: 1.33 MB

7 Informative Appendix 

E 7.1 Summary of State and Territory Advice 

7.1.1 Introduction This Appendix presents an outline of State and Territory advice on requirements for the design and construction of private bushfire shelters in the respective jurisdictions. It is recommended that confirmation of this advice is sought from relevant authorities via Hardened Structures Australia prior to commencement of the design and build process. 

ACT Australian Capital Territory 

NSW New South Wales 

Northern Territory 


SA South Australia 



Western Australia

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