Brian Camden is Principal of Hardened Structures, a professional construction program management firm specializing in commercial, residential and community hardening, fortified homes, bomb shelters, bunkers, storm shelters and self-sustaining hardened facilities. The multi-hazard design/build engineering methology that Hardened Structures uses encompasses all aspects of blast hardening, blast effective mitigation, protective design technologies, advances security and alternative energy systems. They provide client/project specific designs addressing conventional weapons, forced entry, chemical, biological, radiological and explosive (CBRE) weapons, 2012 mitigations, climate change and any type of apocalypse or world-ending scenario. Hardened Structures' team of engineers, architects, project managers, scientists and security specialists confidentially manages all aspects of protection programming, strategic planning, site assessment, complete designs, clandestine contracting, risk assessments, building systems placement, preparedness/response, alternative/solar energy systems, and full construction. Hardened Structures has confidential designers, suppliers and security specialists to cost effectively design/build discreetly anywhere in the U.S. Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. A facility or shelter addition can be built in almost any location be it urban, suburban or rural.
Economic tensions, nuclear and EMP threats, and acts of terrorism, both domestic and abroad, have people concerned about their safety and survival. During the Cold War, bomb shelters or fallout shelters became very popular. Today, your own home can provide the protection you need from whatever threats about which you are most concerned. Jason Hartman is joined by Brian Camden, Principal of Hardened Structures Hardened Shelters LLC, to talk about fortified homes, underground bunkers, protection and action plans, and how many shelters are designed. Brian explains the construction designs and the level of security available. These hardened structures can be built as a nice-looking home or second home or as an addition to an existing home, most often with underground shelters, that are fully sustainable off the grid. Brian shares some of the most important reasons that more and more homeowners are requesting fortified homes or shelters. For more details, listen at:
Hardened Structures Hardened Shelters LLC is a Construction Program Management firm ( The Team consists of a core group of independent, specially trained shelter design firms for structural engineering, blast engineering, EMP/HEMP shielding, CBRN, HVAC, electrical and alternative energy designs. There has been a lot of concern about how unprotected our nation is from EMP/HEMP blasts, whether from natural means like solar flares or from warring nations, and the company has been involved in a lot of military projects to protect from these threats.
All construction is performed by a special group of geographically specific licensed general contractors. These independent design firms and general contractors have had specialized shelter design and build training before they can become part of the "Hardened Structures Team". The company provides a "one-stop shop," including arms, alarm systems, training, security threat assessments and more.
Here's a link to an interesting and informative one hour plus radio interview with Brian Camden from Hardened Structures USA.
The exact same interview as above goes from "28.40 mins to 1 hr 37 mins" in the below full length radio interview You Tube clip which was recorded on the 18th September 2013.
NB: Hardened Structures does not have a stance in regards to the radio show "Late In The Midlands" and or the views expressed other than those of Hardened Structures.