Hardened Structures - EMP Protection

EMP Protection

Hardened Structures provides world-class expertise in Electromagnetic Pulse protection

A nuclear explosion creates a very powerful energy pulse called an HAEMP (high altitude electromagnetic pulse), capable of causing damage hundreds of miles away. HAEMP is similar to an invisible lightning strike, but contains higher frequencies that may render standard lightning protection measures ineffective.

Similar to HAEMP, a geomagnetic storm (associated with solar flares) can create a long-duration pulse that can burn out utility power transformers and cause widespread power outages. The effects of HAEMP and SOLAR FLARES will readily penetrate an unprotected shelter and couple onto all electrical conductors, damaging or destroying appliances, personal computers, HDTVs, and medical electronics such as pacemakers.

Mitigating the catastrophic effects of HAEMP and Geomagnetic storms (SOLAR FLARES) requires highly specific engineering know-how. Almost half of the world's specialists work for Hardened Structures. Our engineering methodology employs a double-layer strategy.

  • First, the equipment or rooms that require protection (e.g. communications console, utility room, electrical service room, entertainment room, or even the entire shelter), are covered with an overall shield. This is the first line of defense and provides excellent, although not perfect, protection. The shield must be very carefully designed and constructed; e.g., improper materials selection may not achieve enough shielding, incompatible materials may result in corrosion, and incorrect seams or bonding may greatly reduce or even destroy the shield's effectiveness.
  • A second layer of protection is provided, including additional shielding and/or local protective clamp devices. Although the amount of HAEMP that will penetrate the outer shield is greatly attenuated, a small amount of residual energy may still be sufficient to harm delicate electronics.

In cases where equipment or room shield is not desired or practical, HS installs specialised equipment (including power generators) that has been specifically "hardened" to withstand EMP.