Hardened Structures - Construction


Client confidentiality, Project Secrecy/Security, Clandestine Construction

By their very nature, HARDENED shelters, facilities and underground bunkers require highly specific life safety and threat mitigation features in order to perform their primary mission. This is not a job for the common contractor.

To be successful, HARDENED construction requires unique engineering expertise in shelter dynamics, threat mitigation measures, advanced HVAC systems, structural steel/concrete and earth work operations.

At Hardened Structures we analyze all options of concrete, steel, fiberglass or composites to find the best fit for our client's unique shelter, sustainability and funding requirements and implement a design/build program for that particular client. Experience has shown there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to Shelter construction. Simply stated, we work for you as your private Facility Staff providing single point responsibility for the fast and efficient delivery of your Facility in a stealthy and secret atmosphere.

Our experienced has proved that the basic fundamental rule necessary to successfully execute Covert Construction and Clandestine Contracting techniques is "Need to Know." The level of secrecy is established by our Client and is a direct determinant affecting the overall cost.

We can bring in our own specialized workers and we have perfected the protection process to ensure that no one subcontractor or supplier will fully know the final function or true capability of our Client's facility. Some of the techniques we employ include:

  • Compartmentalized and Furtive Construction Scopes
  • Phased Critical Path Construction Techniques
  • Specialized Out-Of-Town Subcontractors and Suppliers
  • Multiple Surreptitious Project Identifications
  • Correlated CAD Drawings and Specifications
  • And Other Time Tested (and Secret) Clandestine Strategies

The importance of Client Confidentiality and Project Secrecy/Security cannot be overstated. We serve as our Client's Agent and Representative by implementing and enforcing Client/Project specific security and confidentiality parameters throughout the Design, Planning, and Construction Process.